Need Health Insurance? Here is what you need to know

  Open Enrollment only runs until January 31. Make sure your family and friends know that now’s their chance to get covered.

If you – or someone you know – needs health insurance, now’s your chance to sign up for quality and affordable coverage.

Here are a few fast facts about getting health insurance:
  •  It's not as expensive as you think. 8 out of 10 people who enroll in a health plan receive financial help. In fact, most people can find a health insurance plan for as little as $75 or less per month.
  •  It doesn't take as long as you think. During last year’s open enrollment, it took most people only about 10 minutes to submit an application.
  •  It is the law, the January 31 deadline is your last chance to avoid the penalty on your taxes of $695 or more next year.
  •  Free help is available! If you have a question about health insurance, you can always call 415-994-4121 for personal assistance, all day and every day. The call is free. A trained, licensed and certified insurance agent will provide free, personal help and share other important advice, including how to qualify for financial help, how to start an application, or how to re-enroll. 
 Don't miss your chance to get covered and tell your friends why they should, too!
