International Health and Travel Medical Insurance - why you need it?

Did you know that when a non-citizen enters the U.S., the federal government sometimes requires that a family member or other sponsor agree to be financially responsible for the person entering the country?

What does that mean?

It means that the sponsor or the family member is liable for the expenses of the non-citizen visitor while in the US. For example, if the visitor has a medical emergency, medical bills will be paid by the family member/sponsor. We all know very well how expensive the medical system in the United States is.
One way of transferring the risk and financial liability - is to get a travel medical insurance for our visitors or relatives. Surprisingly, this is not as expensive as a typical medical insurance, (you can get a quote here) yet it covers the basis and protects the sponsor/or the family member from outrageous medical bills.
There are many types of travel medical insurance. One of the most popular plans is Patriot America Plus. This is travel/medical insurance for non-U.S. citizens looking for temporary medical insurance coverage while traveling outside of their home country. The plan offers coverage for medical benefits (including the Acute Onset of Pre-existing Conditions), emergency medical and political evacuation, repatriation and a choice of deductibles and the plan maximums of up to $500,000.

Travel medical insurance for individuals, families, and groups
·         Renewable up to 24 months
·         Deductible options from $0 to $2,500
·         Maximum limits from $50,000 to $1,000,000
·         Coverage for medical expenses, evacuation, and repatriation

Plans are as low as $4/day. (it depends on the age)

Here is a typical coverage of this plan:

Maximum Limits:             $50,000, $100,000, $500,000, $1,000,000, $2,000,000 
Individual Deductible options:                     $0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500
Coinsurance - for treatment received outside the U.S.: No Coinsurance (0%)
Coinsurance - for treatment received within the U.S.: In the PPO Network - 10% of eligible expenses up to $5,000, then 0% Out of the PPO Network - 20% of eligible expenses up to $5,000, then 0%
Continuation of Treatment Period:               Six months per injury or illness
Incidental Home Country Coverage:             Up to 14 days
End of Trip Home Country Coverage:           One month for every six months of travel coverage purchased, up to a maximum of two months.
Hospital Room and Board: Average semi-private room rate up to the maximum limit. Includes nursing service.
Intensive Care:                                                      Up to the maximum limit
Surgery:                                                                Up to the maximum limit
Physician Visits:                                                    Up to the maximum limit
Diagnostic Procedures:                                         Up to the maximum limit
Prescription Medication:                                        Up to the maximum limit
Home Nursing Care:                                              Up to the maximum limit
Local Ambulance Expense:                                   Up to the maximum limit
Emergency Room:                                                 Up to the maximum limit. Additional $250 deductible if not admitted as an inpatient.
Dental Emergency                                               Up to maximum limit for treatment due to an accident. $100 maximum limit for treatment of unexpected pain to sound natural teeth.
Emergency Medical Evacuation                          Up to $500,000 lifetime maximum (independent of the Maximum limit). Not subject to deductible.
Emergency Reunion:                                            Up to $50,000 lifetime maximum
Return of Mortal Remains or Cremation/Burial: Up to $50,000 for return of mortal remains or $5,000 for cremation/burial. Not subject to deductible.
Return of Minor Children:                                     Up to $50,000. Not subject to deductible.
Political Evacuation:                                             Up to $10,000. Not subject to deductible.               
Natural Disaster:                                  Up to $100 per day and five days for accommodations. Not subject to deductible.
Terrorism:                                             Up to $50,000 lifetime maximum. Not subject to deductible.
Sudden and Unexpected Recurrence of a Pre-existing Condition - Medical (for U.S. citizens only): 
Up to age 65 with primary health plan: URC up to maximum limit. 
Up to age 65 without primary health plan: $20,000 lifetime maximum. 
Age 65+: $2,500 lifetime maximum.
Sudden and Unexpected Recurrence of a Pre-existing Condition - Emergency Medical Evacuation (for U.S. citizens only)
Up to age 65: $25,000 maximum limit
Hospital Indemnity: Up to $100 per overnight up to a maximum of 10 overnights. Not subject to deductible.
Common Carrier Accidental Death:   $50,000 per insured person and $250,000 Maximum limit per lifetime and per Family. Not subject to deductible.
Accidental Death & Dismemberment:                $25,000 principal sum. Not subject to deductible.
Identity Theft Assistance:                                    Up to $500. Not subject to deductible.
Trip Interruption:                                                  Up to $5,000. Not subject to deductible.
Lost Luggage:                                                      Up to $50 per item; maximum of $250. Not subject to deductible.
If you have questions, please let me know! I’ll be glad to help. Here is the direct link to the plan:

Other international travel/medical plans are available as well (including travel for US Citizens) 

     information above is provided by CA  Insurance Agent (Lic. # 0I21751)


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